Week 5 day 1: Tara Donovan : Mundane Beauty

Things we see every day and possibly taken for granted are put together by Tara Donovan creating masterpieces. Donovan was born in New York City, New York in 1969, and attended School of Visual Arts New York, NY. Then after attending
BFA, Corcoran College of Art and Design in Washington DC, her artistic career was launched when Donovan had an exhibit in 1997 and 1999 and her medium has stayed consistent through out the years . Taking everyday things from paper plates, to buttons and creating stunning visual shapes and sculptures.
Tara Donovan will use one common daily item over and over again. Most would consider this mundane, however once the piece is complete its is a work of art (not meant as a pun). Donovan takes inspiration from the objects she uses. These domestic everyday items are lost in the full view of a piece until looked at closer.In an interview (Link) Donovan said she was drawn to the scalloped edges of the paper plates, and how plastic cups absorb and diffuse light. Using the same item and doing the same action in making her massive sculptures gives a sense of time passing in the repetitive action.Once one sees the details one can really appreciate the time and amount of work it took in making these. Please go to this site to view incredible pictures of Donovan's art(
My daily ritual art project for 4-D studio though not as massive or impressive as Donovan's is similar in method. Taking an everyday object (lipstick) and an everyday common body part (lips) I kiss a piece of paper multiple times. I have found doing this is mundane, but will eventually come together. Scanning it into my computer every day to show stages and eventually animate to show the passing of time is also part of the project, as I create an archive or collection of the same image. Lips may be found originally more interesting then say a button, but I always was fascinated on how the American culture puts quite a bit of focus on lips. My original goal was to take a mundane action and turn it beautiful...but now I wonder if the lips were beautiful to begin with, why not take something beautiful and make it mundane? Since I am still in the middle of the process, the art hasn't made up it's mind.
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