Week 5 day 7: Public Art Context Piece
Our third assignment is to create a finished sculpture with the idea it would be viewed by the public. My very first thought was to create mine with Recyclables, most likely with water bottles. I drink water constantly and though I try not to, I seem to accumulate empty plastic water bottles. To send a message that things don't have to be trash, I want to use watter bottles and other recycled items to create something unique and attractive. However I am still in the sketching fazes of figuring out what I want to make. Most likely I would try an abstract design, but not a huge one.

Doing research I came across a designer Michelle Brand. Using the bottoms of water bottles Brand created back drops for Weddings and receptions. A site called "Everyday glimpse" (Link) showed many options of recycled opportunities. And Miwa Koisumi has brought life in the plastic by making them into sea creatures.
