Week 3 day 2: Sculpture assignment 2 "Context Piece"

The assignment is to create a sculpture within the context of submitting it to our student art competition/show. With complete freedom to do what I want for this piece, I was originally stumped. I asked myself many questions before I came to the right ones.
"Do I have a message to send? What do I stand for?" and "How do I want to be represented?"
I have in the past tried to do pieces involving media's skewed view of beauty. How many women (such as myself) wake up in the morning only to be disappointed with what they see in the mirror. Sadly most of America has women tied to their reflection and cannot see themselves as beautiful. There was my message...but how would I get it across?

Thinking of many ideas and sketching one out, I found that I was telling the viewer everything, hardly leaving room for the viewer to interpret. So I took a step back and remembered a sculpture I once found on the Internet. Alice through the Looking Glass by Jeanne Argent located in Guildford's Castle Grounds. The sculpture modeled Alice after her daughter Anne and installed it in 1990. Although I didn't want my sculpture to go through glass, it gave me an idea.
I sketched out a concept of a woman being pulled back through a mirror. I thought this would piece would give the viewer more room to create their own interpretation, at least better than my original concept. I continued looking to see if anything could inspire me. That's when I came across Andy Wright's "Perceivance". Although it doesn't change my design, it's an image I'll more than likely come back to through out the process of create this assignment.
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